just Trader
If you are looking for investment, look no further. Trading stock is one of the best way for growing your money. All you need to do is analysis financial and graph and then watch your money multiply. It sounds easy but the hardest part is analyze correctly. It is very difficult if you have to begin all by yourself.
That is why I am here to help you. Make the beginning easier for you
Coach Ton's profile
Occupation : Coaching, Trader, Investor and business owner
Investment Record : Invest in stock market for 10 years using fundamental and technical analysis.
Teaching Record : Teaching both individual and group more than 100 times for past 3 years
Trading Stock

step to professional
Begin to invest in stock market is easy. If you begin the right way, you can both save time and money. The course will be teaching from real experience that has been proven over years for making profit
1 full day theory teaching
Course will be teaching 6 hours 1 on 1 in English
Course price 15000,-
Outside Bangkok 20000,-
*With friend + 5000,- per person
3 month Coaching Class
After finished theory course, you can apply for 3 month coaching class. We will meet each other for 1.5 hours every 2 weeks 6 times. Mostly in this coaching class we will doing practical. See how you trade and improving it!
Course Price 25000,-

Fundamental outline
Trading mindset
Buy and sell stock
Reading financial statement
Using application to scan stock
In-dept financial analysis case study

Technical outline
Using indicator for buy and sell signal:
STO / RSI / MA / BB / Volume
MACD / Support-Resistant
Bid/Offer / Fibonacci
Money management
In-dept graph analysis case study

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